High Water Films

Stories matter, now more than ever.

Drive meaningful engagement and reach new audiences by letting High Water tell yours.

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At home on the water or in the arena

High quality video content

We’re an agile, talented, scalable video production company Based in Falmouth, Cornwall. We work with clients across sectors and industries to create honest, cinematic video that captivates audiences — wherever they are.

Reach new audiences and markets with high impact, high conversion rate video assets across socials and web.
We work closely with clients — from individuals and small businesses, right through to national brands — to tell stories that captivate audiences and drive engagement. We provide a full-stack video service, from concept to delivery, but can also hop in to existing projects at any stage in the creative or production process to help deliver the strategic vision.

At the heart of it though, we're just people who really love what we do, and that passion translates to great video.

How can we help?

Brand building

Property video

P.R.  Events

Artist Portraits

Festivals / events

Funding Pitches

Video content is an essential cornerstone of any modern business marketing strategy. In today's digital landscape, where attention spans are limited, video grabs and maintains the viewer's attention like no other medium. Its power lies in its ability to tell compelling stories, showcase products or services, and engage audiences in a way that text or static images simply cannot match.

Video content conveys emotions, fosters trust, and humanizes brands, making it a potent tool for building a genuine connection with customers. Moreover, it's highly shareable across social media, enabling businesses to reach broader audiences and increase brand awareness.

Email us at: hello@highwater.tv